August 13, 2013
Please be sure to invite your laity to the next meeting of the Giles County
Laity Club. Pastors, this is your club too!
Tuesday, August 13
6:30 p.m.
Lynnville UMC
Laity Club. Pastors, this is your club too!
Tuesday, August 13
6:30 p.m.
Lynnville UMC
Cost $5.00 - this is the best value in town!! You can't get a FULL
meal deal at McD's for that!!
New this time: The children's ministry coordinator at the church is
inviting children to meet with her for a time of fun and fellowship during the 'adult' meeting
and program so bring your children and grandchildren with you.
REMEMBER - children under 12 eat free!!
Call the district office 363-8981 during business hours or President
Patty Moore at 424-7299 after 5:00 p.m.